Kuvings at TKM Family Day 2022!

Kuvings - early nutrition, lifelong zest for wholesome lifestyle!
- Written by Daisy Ng
Early nutrition starts at home.
A little while ago, I was writing an article on getting picky eaters to eat more vegetables and fruits. A common strategy is to sneak in the vegetables and fruits, or a specifically disliked ingredient into the child's meals carefully disguised and hoping that the body increases its acceptance of said ingredient and eventually embracing it.
Well, I can't comment on the success of this experimental approach, but as a practical parent who has to face the potential wrath of my picky eater upon discovery of tiny piece spinach in his meal, I rather have a more open strategy in converting my child.

When the child grows up, the child needs to be the one to take the initiative to purchase the fresh greens and consume it. Healthy food can be comfort food if the memory associated with it is a good one. When we recall a food craving, it is often the company, the feeling we associate with the food that we are craving.
In other words, the best way to instill a love for early nutrition in our child is to involve our child in the preparation of these wholesome, fresh, nutritious food and exciting our child to ingest these willingly and happily.
There are 3 striking reasons why juicing is a great way to seeds love of early nutrition and turn these into lifelong benefits.
1. Feel good preparing, feel better drinking it!
The typical comfort food may offer a tempting combination of sugar, fat and carbohydrate but in reality, they make our minds crash and feel worse after eating them. A 2009 University of Navarra study on the impact of a Mediterranean diet (higher consumption of food and vegetables) have shown a higher intake of vegetables and fruits increase happiness and life satisfaction. The awesome thing about juicing with our children is that we teach them a way to directly improve their mood.

2. Beautiful rainbow of nutrition
Healthy food can be visually appealing too. A pretty and colour bottle of juice entices the brain to want it. This is why our children is attracted to the colourful packaging of snacks or bubbling sensory soda. The good thing about cold pressed juicing is that it does not involve high speed or heating unlike a centrifugal juicer, cold press juice does not oxidise as quickly. Cold pressed juice retains the nutrition of its fruits and vegetables, tastes so much more flavourful and lasts much longer on our dining table or in the fridge.